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Elevation 2477’ Begins Adult-Use Cannabis Sales in Nevada City

Thanks to The Union and reporter Liz Kellar for following our journey through licensing and permitting the first cannabis dispensary in Nevada County. Here’s a excerpt of the story. Make sure to go to The Union for full coverage: Daniel Batchelor was all smiles Thursday afternoon, with good reason. After months of jumping through hoops and a […]

Elevation 2477′ Approved for Adult Use Sales After January 25

Elevation 2477′ is excited to announce that beginning in January 2019 it will be allowing the sales of cannabis to adults over the age of 21. After opening in August as a Medical Cannabis Dispensary only, Elevation 2477′ will be able to serve the Adult Use market after January 25 thanks to a unanimous decision […]

Cannabis Oil Shows Strong Effects Against Crohn’s Disease

The anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis have been the subject of many studies, which is why cannabis was a favorite for treating Crohn’s Disease, an inflammatory bowel condition that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, though most commonly it affects the small intestine. It leads to fever, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and bloody diarrhea. […]

Terpenes and What They Do

There are many kinds of narratives and organizing principles. Is “terpenes” a new word in your vocabulary? Or have you heard the word and don’t know yet what it means? This insightful article on Leafly will walk you through the essentials of terpene knowledge and lead you down a rabbit hole of information about how […]

Cannabis Research Landscape Shifts

With the legalization of cannabis as medicine in 30 states and the recreational legalization in nine of them, cannabis and cannabis consumption is slowly losing the stigma after decades of prohibition. And even though it remains illegal at the federal level, more and more academic institutions are looking at how to study the plant.

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